3 years

The First Anglo-Afghan War (also known as Auckland's Folly) was fought between British East India Company and Afghanistan from 1839 to 1842, which resulted in the deaths of 4,500 British and Indian soldiers, plus 12,000 of their camp followers by the warring Afghan tribal fighters. It was one of the first major conflicts during the Great Game, the 19th century competition for power and influence in Asia between the United Kingdom and Russia....
The First Anglo-Afghan War (also known as Auckland's Folly) was fought between British East India Company and Afghanistan from 1839 to 1842, which resulted in the deaths of 4,500 British and Indian soldiers, plus 12,000 of their camp followers by the warring Afghan tribal fighters. It was one of the first major conflicts during the Great Game, the 19th century competition for power and influence in Asia between the United Kingdom and Russia.... More • http://en.wikipedia. ... Afghan_War View • BooksImagesVideosSearch Related • Wars1830s1840sAfghanistanBritish East India CompanyColonialismEast IndiesGreat BritainIndiaIndustrial RevolutionWarAll Events

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  Alexander Burnes, Scottish Explorer
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  Henry Rawlinson, Deciphered Cuneiform
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  Second Anglo-Afghan War
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The Third Anglo-Afghan War, also referred to as the Third Afghan War, began on 6 May 1919 and ended with an armistice on 8 August 1919, resulting in the Afghans winning independence from the British Empire. According to British author Michael Barthor...
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